The photo album of your wedding is filled with memories frozen in time that will be with you forever. For this reason, you have to make sure that your photos are at the peak quality. It’s important that you work with a professional, because they can guarantee the best set of photos for the event. Don't expect an amateur to deliver a set of photographs that are as beautiful and memorable as those of a professional. Not to mention that the work ethics of an amateur can be questionable at times, and they are often unwilling to go above and beyond to deliver on their promises. Still not convinced that you should pay the extra money for a service, here are five reasons why you need a professional wedding photographer:
1. Commitment
The life of a professional wedding photographer revolves around delivering on their promises. They have to take note of what they’re asked to do and try their best to offer more than they’re worth to thrive in the industry. This level of competition is why professional photography is such a tough job. They have to be dedicated to your craft and manage client’s experience, or it will tarnish their reputation forever. An amateur doesn’t have the same level of pressure to perform, so it’s very likely that they will slack off and just do the bare minimum to get the job done.
2. Experience
Photography is a lot more complicated than it looks, as it’s not just about who has the most expensive camera. The quality of the finalised photos also depends on how well the photographer plans the angle and uses the light as well as how much time and effort they put into editing each one. These skills come with experience and knowledge, and they are built gradually over time. Someone who hasn’t spent as much time with the art of photography is not likely to know these intricacies, which will reflect in their work quality.
3. Consistency
You can expect a level of consistency from a professional photographer. They do this for a living and their livelihood depends on how often they’re able to do what they claim they can. What you don’t want to see in an album is for half of your photos to look like it was taken by the best photographer in the world while the rest looks like a three-year-old took them. A professional can make sure that all of your photos come out looking great. You want to show everybody your incredible memories without having to filter out the bad ones.
4. Stress-Free
There’s a possibility that you’re going to have an argument with your spouse about a poor set of photos. Make it clear that it was a decision that you both agreed upon. To cut down the worries and anxieties, pay a professional to do it. You don’t have to put unnecessary stress on your relationship.
5. Discreet Work
A professional photographer will try their best to be as cautious as possible. They won’t be chit-chatting with your guests unnecessarily, and they will focus on the work at hand. A young amateur might not understand how to act professionally yet. They could try to look for more clients when they should be concentrating on what they are being paid to do.

Professional Wedding Photographer
Are you looking for a professional wedding photographer for your special day? Lee Hawley specialises in capturing beautiful and natural wedding photos. Why not get in touch with him today to see how he can help you?